Disk No: 1644 Disk Title: UNO and Games & YCAL/DCAL PC-SIG Version: S1.4 Program Title: UNO and Games Author Version: 1.5OC Author Registration: $5.00 Special Requirements: None. This games package mixes a new computerized version of a classic card game with a hard disk menu for your other computer games. This familiar card game -- called UNO -- centers on who can go out first by playing all cards dealt. You play against a relentless computer. Great for anyone who likes computer cards. The GAME menu offers you a quick, easy way to reach your most popular games. You can edit the menu to allow access to any game on your hard disk. This is not as fancy as other menu systems in the library but it does the job. Program Title: YCAL/DCAL Author Version: 1.0 Author Registration: None. Special Requirements: None. Calendars are like police, there's never one around when you need one. Until now! YCAL lets you print out a yearly calendar, for any year, from 1582 to 9999. Just type in the year and YCAL creates a file with a bold heading for that year. You only have to copy that file to your printer with a DOS command and you have a smart looking calendar that fits on standard letter-sized paper. Just want to check a date? DCAL displays the any-three-month calendar on your screen. If you don't specify a date, DCAL uses your DOS system date. Use YCAL/DCAL and never waste any more time looking for a calendar! PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.